Sunday, November 5, 2017

Adventures in Nepal

In November 2016, we were blessed with a three-act adventure in Nepal.

Act 1 was trekking in the Annapurna region. Act 2 was exploring Chitwan National Park. And Act 3 was the main cultural sites of Bhaktapur and Kathmandu.

Rather than individual photos, check out our Journi diary: (Tip: since it's in reverse chronological order, scroll to the bottom first and work your way up from there.

If you'd like to follow our next adventure in Bhtuan, register at our Journi blog:

Coastal Alaska

We are pretty late in posting these photos.

In May 2016, we did a roundtrip cruise from San Francisco to Alaska ... here are the photos.

Almost scraping the bottom of the Golden Gate.

A look back at The City.
On deck somewhere in the Pacific.

Hiking in the Tongass National Forest.

Pointing to the peak where we hiked.

Leaving Ketchikan.

Mendenhall Glacier

On the way to Mendenhall.


The famous train ride from Skagway.

Brad took a photo class in Skagway.

The photo class went into Canada for these shots.

Midnight near Haines.

Misty morning.