Saturday, October 24, 2009

Practice Posting

Since we're new to this thing called blogging (we know, we know ... we're dinosaurs), we thought we'd get the hang of posting photos, since you'll probably see a few of those in future posts.

So here are a few from past excursions.

First, here is a sunrise/moonrise sequence from Santorini, Greece. We had a glass of wine watching the sun go down, then lucked out by catching the full moon rising while on our stroll back to our room on the opposite side of the island. Absolutely enchanting.


And here's a day-and-night sequence in front of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. While we were setting up the night shot, the evening prayers came over the loudspeakers. It's one of those memories we'll always have tucked in our minds ... kind of like when the Sunday morning church bells peeled while we were strolling in the Botanical Gardens in Florence.

OK, so it may have taken us a couple minutes to figure out the whole "insert photo" thing, but we think we get it now. We hope you don't mind if we post a couple more along our travels.


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