Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Something you can count on in northwest Iceland: the unpredictable weather

We were scheduled for a two-day kayak trip beginning today, with tent camping on an isolated fjord.

But the wind kicked up pretty fierce, making it treacherous at times. Paddling against such a strong wind was just plain hard.

So we're back in our cozy bed at the Litla Guesthouse ( Hal, our host, even gave us our original room, No. 7.

Despite the weather, it was another amazing day in paradise. We spent the day paddling with two other American couples and two guides. We saw some amazing bird life (but still no puffins) and a large number of mother seals with their pups.

Since seals can be hunted in Iceland, they were hyper vigilant and would slip into the water as our boats drew near, with the moms taking care to protect their newborns. It was an interesting contrast to our experience in the Galapagos Islands, where the protected seals don't care how close you get.

Because our camera was stashed in a dry bag most of the day, we don't have as many pictures to share as usual.
Before the kayak trip. That's Francesca and Clint from New York City 
and Christine and Alex from Seattle.

We may look goofy, but we were the warmest and driest people in Iceland today.

After being buffeted by the wind for much of the day, this hot pot at the Rekyjanes Hotel was a little piece of Heaven here on Earth.
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we're sailing to the uninhabited Hornstrandir Peninsula for an 8-hour hike. We are told we are nearly guaranteed to finally see puffins and that the wilderness is fabulous.

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