Sunday, December 6, 2009


We shouldn't be, but we often are amazed at how serendipity guides us on our travels.

For instance, if it wasn't for Mark, a friendly photographer on the Great Ocean Road, we never would have learned of, which has great deals for last-minute accommodations.

Which is how we found Louise's Cottage in Hobart's Sandy Bay neighborhood.

Which is where we met the proprieter, Patricia.

What a gem. Not only does she make sure her guests have the best dining experiences, but she's an angel to neighborhood children. We were awed by her generosity, love and giving spirit. She's an inspiration.

Another case in point: We had just driven from the top of Mt. Wellington overlooking Hobart when we pulled in for a pitstop at a beautiful picnic area. That's where a nice gentleman who was part of a wedding party mistook us for guests and struck up conversation.

He told us of magical nature of Bruny Island, and before you know it, we drove straight to Kettering, where the car ferry was waiting. We had just enough time to get some cash from the ATM and ask the helpful gentleman at the visitors' center for some accommodation recomendations.


Bruny Island is one of the most serene, lovely places we have ever visited. And with some of the nicest people ... like our host David Gunton of Explorers' Cottages. He's full of information and very helpful.

Last night at dusk, we watched an army of ferry penguins (the world's smallest) come ashore, waddle to their burrows and feed their young. All while squealing shearwaters soared overhead during their migration from Antarctica. Incredible.

One of the reasons we love Bruny Island so much is that you have to drive on a one-lane gravel road through a state forest (and wallabies) just to get to the only wi-fi hotpot on the island.

There is so much to talk about, which we'll save for a future posting ... but here are some pix to give you an idea of the spectacular nature of Tasmania.

Hobart's Salamanca Market, a delight of sights, sounds and tastes

Stunning views atop Mt. Wellington

Sunset at The Neck on Bruny Island

From near our "home"

Can you tell we're having fun yet?

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