Wednesday, June 8, 2011

All great trips must end, including this one

Alas, all great things must end, including our wonderful trip to Iceland.

Before we embarked on this adventure, many people questioned why we'd chosen this location for our vacation.

We hope the photos below provide a good glimpse into the specialness of this land.

But to help answer the question "why?" here are some of the highlights:
  • The people. Simply some of the warmest, most caring, sincere and proud people we've ever met. If we encountered you on our trip, we appreciate your hospitality and kindness.
  • The land. It's impossible to use just one word to describe it. It's wild, desolate, towering, serene and beautiful. If you forced us to use just one, it would be "wow."
  • The water.  It's pure and clean and tastes like heaven. It surrounds the land as well as bursts forth from it and heats it. It lulled us to sleep at night and chilled us to the bone when we swam in in it.
  • The experiences. Hiking, kayaking, sailing, hot-dog eating, ferrying, hot potting, swimming (brief as it was) and sightseeing around every new turn in the road.
  • The sounds. The sounds of silence abounded. As did the magical sounds of birds, like the loons on a tiny lake on the Hornstrandir Peninsula.
  • The tidiness. The entire land is clean and unlittered.
  • The all-night sun. We never stopped being amazed by it.
We could live here. Well, at least during the spring and summer.

Can you tell we had a good time?

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