Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bam! Five Hours in Madrid

On our way to Bologna, we had a 7-hour layover in Madrid, meaning we had 5 hours to get from the airport to downtown and back in time to catch our connection.

It may have been a whirlwind, but it was a blast.

We stored our luggage, caught the express bus downtown, then meandered through streets, alleys and plazas that we hadn't seen for 10 years. The Puerta del Sol, the Plaza Major, and finally, tapas y cerveza on Plaza Santa Ana.

Reluctantly, we caught the express bus back to the airport. Because the security line was only 3 minutes long and our plane to Bologna was delayed, got to spend a couple hours in an airport restaurant. Un vino, dos cervezas y dos aguas.

La Plaza Mayor ... 10 years after we last saw it ... hasn't changed much.

We consider it contemporary art.

Tapas y cerveza on Plaza Santa Ana. 

Vino y cerveza at the Madrid airport, waiting for our flight to Bologna.

We're now in Bologa. Let the Sweet Life begin!

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