Sunday, November 22, 2015

Technical Difficulties ... Please Stand By

Ever since arriving in Chile, we have experienced difficulties in posting updates on our travels.

Therefore, we will wait until after our return home to post photos and descriptions of the amazing things we have done and seen.

Brief overview: We started on the archipeligo of Chiloe, where the highlight was kayaking at dawn on the Puntra River; then we went to the Lakes District, where the highlights were walking on top of Osorno Volcano (overlooking Calbuco Volcano, the one that erupted earlier this year), trekking around Lago Todos Santos and near the Cochomo Valley; and then flying, busing and vanning to the iconic Torres del Paine National Park, where we trekked among the granite spires and valleys for six days with a group of seven others who we now count among our close circle of friends.

Today is a travel day back to Santiago. Then tomorrow we depart for Easter Island.

If you have been following along, we apologize for the lack of posts. We promise to bore you to tears with some phantastic fotos once we return.

In the meantime, if we do not get the chance to post any updates before Turkey Day, know that we are thankful to count you as family or friend, and we wish each and all a warm holiday.

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