Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Helloooooooooo Sydney!

Well, for not doing very much planning, things sure are starting off great.

We arrived in Sydney, trained to the harbor, ferried to Manly (past the Opera House), strolled the delightful town, and then were picked up by one of Karen's Roots and Shoots colleagues and taken to her home overlooking Freshwater Bay.

Only one word can describe our accommodations: Wow.

We're on a cliff, only a five-minute walk to the spectacular beach. Of course we took the stroll and partook of a dip in the Pacific. The very warm Pacific.

One of the benefits of traveling to the Southern Hemisphere is going back on Daylight Savings Time ... the sun comes up at 5:30 a.m. and stays up until after 8 p.m.

Instead of boring you with words, here are some pix from the day.

This is us on Manly Beach

Self explanatory

Another one of those smiles

 They must've heard Brad was coming

On the stroll back from dinner ... 45 minutes along the ocean

The view at sunrise from our patio

 More to come.

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