Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Most Poetic Posting Up To This Point

In the Tasmania's town of Pyengana, there’s a pub in a paddock with two pigs, Pauline and PB, who enjoy pilsener.

So we bought them two (and split one between us).

Here are a couple of pics with photographic evidence of our porcine adventure.


Don't worry, for animal lovers like us, the pigs' brew is watered-down version that's approved by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. And besides, they live in one of the loveliest, greenest, most serene valleys we've ever seen. Sure beats winding up on someone's dinner table.

What a spectacular day. It started off with pouring rain and lightening that delayed our departure for the east coast of Tasmania, allowing us to enjoy our first home-cooked meal of our trip. Our hosts at Platypus Park provided a hamper of farm-fresh, free-range eggs, bacon slices that were the biggest in Tasmania's history and other goodies (like Vegemite) that were all enjoyed in front of roaring fire in a pot-belly stove. 

It was hard to leave such comfort, but we were lured by new adventures.

About three-quarters of our drive was in moderate to heavy rain. But then the rains stopped, the clouds lifted and the oh-so delicious scenery was gloriously revealed.

Instead of using words to describe the day, here are some pix:

Can you tell we're having fun yet?

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