Sunday, May 29, 2011

Food lovers, take note: It's all about the Icelandic hot dog!

This episode deserves to be posted all by itself.

No one ever told us Iceland is a food lover's paradise. But Brad is now threatening to transfer his job to Stykkisholmur and move here just so he can be near the local wiener wagon.

It's specialty: deep-fried hot dogs on a bed of crunched-up Doritos with creamy garlic sauce and melted cheese. Garnished with seasoned salt.

A pregnant woman from Houston who experienced the gastronomic delight yesterday told Brad he wouldn't be able to stop at one. She was right.


As anyone should be able to guess, Karen was disgusted by the entire ordeal.

On a plus note, readers should know that this does not mean our diets have turned unhealthy. Here's the evidence from lunch near the harbor before catching our ferry:

Yes, our lunch was really French fries and hot chocolate. Plus, a triple-layer chocolate cake that we took to-go on the ferry.

We now have a few hours on an e-ticket ferry ride to Flatey Island and on to the Westfjords. The Arctic wind is howling and the waves are crashing hard. In other words, a perfect way to ride out our sugar high.

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