Thursday, May 26, 2011

The sun came out tonight

You sure don't hear many people say that.

But that's exactly what happened at about 10 p.m. yesterday when some high clouds parted to reveal the glorious sun. Despite our writing earlier that there's 20 hours of daylight, it actually stays a shade of light all night long.

After leaving the Blue Lagoon area, we pointed the car for the Golden Circle (by way of a Reykjavik electronics store to get an electrical adapter for our computer) where we were re-schooled in the beauty of nature, and were fortunate to see the power of nature in action

We took a short hike and shot some photos in the rift where the North American and Eurasian plates are ripping apart at the speed of between 1 and 18 milimeters annually.

Here's some trivia: Did you know that the English word geyser comes from the town of Geysir? It has one geyser that erupts every five minutes or so, and another, larger, one that goes off about three times a day at unpredictable times.

And then we went to one of Iceland's most famous waterfalls, Gullfoss.

Words on a blog would never do the beauty of this area justice So let's just let some photos do the talking.


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