Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bad News ... Good News

The bad news: Our fish and chips tonight cost $36.

The good news: It was the best fish and chips we've had. Ever. In our lives.

And topping it all off was the fact we had the corner table overlooking the Tamar and Esk rivers in Launceston, Tasmania. It was at dusk as the lights on the nearby hill were coming on. In short, it was a memorable Thanksgiving meal.

We've seen some great sights the past couple of days ... here are a few of them.

The longest jetty we've ever seen ... it's in Beachport

A beacon for hikers at Shipwreck Beach ... it's the biggest cairn we've ever seen

The view from the highest canopy walk in the world

Giant ferns on the rainforest floor, taken from the canopy walk

Can you tell we're having a good time?

A close call

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