Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Whenever we're at the Tom Bradley Terminal, we know good stuff is happening

Nothing beats hanging around an airport for three hours ... but at least it's Karen's most favorite terminal on Earth: the Tom Bradley Terminal at LAX. Whenever she walks into it, she knows she's going to get some new stamps in her passport. And whenever she has to pass it on the way to a dingy ol' domestic terminal, she pouts that she's not going on a "real" adventure.

Actually, there was a little of bit of excitment in the security area tonight. There was a sea of a couple hundred people lined up for the X-ray machines, when all of a sudden a TSA officer yelled at the top of her lungs something that sounded like "Holler!"

Then all the officers told everyone to stand perfectly still. Anyone who moved was reminded to keep still. After a couple minutes of a couple officers walking around, there came the "all clear" signal.

We have a ritual of taking a photo in an airport lounge of Karen drinking tea or hot chocolate before the Big Adventure begins. This time, it's a glass of ice water. The smile says it all.

We're poking fun at ourselves for the fact that we have done even less planning for this trip than usual (we're famous for making a hotel reservation for the first night only, then filling in the itinerary as we go). little actual planning for this trip. But last night we made plans for Thursday night: walking to the top of Sydney Harbour Bridge at dusk while wearing jumpsuits  tethered to the girders.... we should have some good photos to share with you in just a couple of days.


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