Sunday, November 11, 2012

Finding New Friends in Stunning Places

After an overnight bus ride from Cusco, we arrived early in the morning on Saturday in Arequipa, and were met by our new friends, Pepe y Yolanda, the grandparents of a family friend in Charlotte, North Carolina.

They showered us with attention, drove us into the surrounding countryside, took us back their home for lunch, then took us back again to the historic city center, where we took in the sites and enjoyed a wonderful dinner overlooking the Plaza de Armas and the cathedral ... with fireworks in the background. And then they fixed us homemade pisco sours and gave us a warm bed for the evening.

It´s these kinds of special bonds that are forged while traveling that make it such a wonderful experience.

As we write this, we are rushing on Sunday morning to meet our guide for a two day excursion to the Colcha Canyon, and then on to Puno and Lake Titicaca. We´re not sure what kind of Internet access we´ll have for the next several days, so you may not hear from us. Just know we´re having a blast.

A couple pix from the past couple days...

Our wonderful Arequipa hosts, Pepe y Yolanda.

This is the Cuzco plaza, on our way to get our bags and catch our bus to Arequipa.

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