Saturday, November 3, 2012

We're in the City Where Lima Beans Were Invented!

You can't say we don't sometimes push the needle.

We worked late on Friday, then hosted friends for wine and dinner, then caught the shuttle for LAX at 10 p.m., and got on our plane for Lima at 1 a.m. And promptly fell asleep in some of the most uncomfortable plane seats on Earth.

We landed at 3:30 this afternoon and were shuttled to the Hostal Mami Panchita in the San Miguel neighborhood. In no time at all, we were taxiing to the Miraflores neighborhood so we could purchase our train tickets for later in the week and have an awesome dinner on the pier. 

The cerviche and grilled seabass with Peruvian potatoes at La Rosa Nautica cost twice as much as our room, but was well worth it.

After earlier questioning our ability to communicate in Spanish, we're feeling pretty good after a couple of experiences the first few hours on the ground. The first was when we successfully got a taxi driver to back down from charging us twice as much as initially agreed. And the other was when we explained that the hotel cashier gave us back too much change from our bill.

Tomorrow starts earlier than we would hope. Our alarm is set for 3:45 so we can have breakfast, pack and be in the taxi by 4:30 so we can catch our flight to Cuzco at 6. 

Getting out of the big city and into the mountains should produce some Kodak moments ... so we expect we'll have some photos to begin posting tomorrow.

So begins another grand adventure.

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