Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Feeling blue ... and by that, we mean good things

After a day's delay, we got on our flight to Reykjavik and landed late this morning to beautiful partly cloudy skies and cool, brisk winds. And nary an ash in sight.

We were met by Rebecca from the Northern Light Inn (www.northernlightinn.is) and driven to our hotel adjacent to the Blue Lagoon.

We quickly settled in, grabbed our suits, and ...

Sure beats working.

Even though we read there's 20 hours of daylight, it's still weird. Check out these photos of dinner (www.salthusid.is ... lobster and fish and chips) and the walk afterward. Note the temperature at 10 p.m.

Sure glad we packed all that fleece.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Anthony Bourdain did a special on Iceland, and I have wanted to visit ever since. Thank you for the photos and updates! What a wonderful adventure.

