Sunday, May 29, 2011

Finding great things in unexpected places

When we were thrown the curveball of the missed ferry ride yesterday, at first we were crestfallen because we'd lose a day on our itinerary.

But then we found our home for the evening, Hofdagata Gistling ( a lovely B&B with a hostess, Ella, who quickly made us feel at home.

And we were joined by new friends Hermund and Hallbjorg from the Faroe Islands.

One of our activities, as described in yesterday's posting, was going to the community hot pots, which were free for the day.

While our fingers were turning pruney, a swarm of 15 year olds descended. They were classmates on a three-day trip celebrating their graduation to high school in Reykjavik.

They were fun to watch, boys and girls having a good time laughing and playing in the warm water and going up and down the waterslide.

After dinner, we were strolling the town taking photos in the late light, when a small group of the kids chatted us up about what we thought of their country. They were very proud. When they found out we're from near Los Angeles, their first questions were, "What movie stars do you know?" "Do you know you look like Bruce Willis?" "Are you on Facebook?"

Here's a photo of who we hope become our Facebook followers:

We've told you about the all-night sunlight. Here are our after-dinner photos, taken about 11 last night.

As we write this, we're just a few minutes from landing in the Westfjords, which many of the locals describe as the most beautiful part of Iceland. Here are a couple of photos of the ferry ride:


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