Friday, May 27, 2011

Hikers' paradise

Today was another good day.

After breakfast, we hiked from our little town, Helner, to the next little town, Arnarstapi, and back again. And after a hot chocolate and waffle at the tiniest beachside cafe we've seen, we tackled two waterfalls in the Snaefellsjokul National Park. (Don't worry, we can't pronounce it either.)

Again, words fail us in this otherworldly landscape. Instead of attempting to explain the diversity and beauty, we offer the below photographic evidence. To see larger photos, just double click.


  We couldn't resist posting this one ... he seemed to think there were snacks in Brad's pocket. 
Funny, he was right.

And finally, here's a portrait of a blogger toiling under trying circumstances. Note the drab outdoor surroundings and the midnight light. And the two empty beer glasses. 

As for tomorrow, all we know is that it's a two-hour drive from here to Stykkisholmur, where we're catching the ferry to Flatey Island and Brjanslaekur. Whatever we do before the ferry is anyone's guess ... but we know it'll be awesome.

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