Monday, June 17, 2013

Day 2: R is for Relax

We awoke to gorgeous weather, then fixed breakfast and hit the road, pointing the car for Doe Harbor.

We soaked in the hot tubs, and then Karen surprised Brad by pre-booking two massages, the perfect way to ease into Island Life.

And then we strolled to the harbor for a wine festival, where the hits of the day actually were the hard cider and the gourmet grilled cheese and wild mushroom sandwiches.

Back at our place, now dubbed Sunset Manor, we had appetizers of dungeness crab and soft cheese, accompanied by Liquid Farm "Four" chardonnay.

In the evening's intellectual competition, Karen whipped Brad at Yatzee. (Brad says that's because she cheats.)

A quintessential Orcas scene.
After the massage. And before the wine tasting. 

At the wine tasting. One of the hits of the event was the grilled cheese/wild mushroom sandwiches.

Besides the grilled cheese sandwiches, the music was pretty fantastic, too.

The oxymoron of the day: A clear-cut grove right next to the environmental learning center. We could be wrong, but something seems out of whack here.

Told you earlier that you'll see lots of these kinds of shots.

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