Monday, June 24, 2013

Orcas Island to Port Townsend to Boston to Cape Cod

It's been a few days since our last post, so we might try to cram a lot of activity into this one.

Anyway, there was a full day of activity after we left Orcas Island and before we headed east to Cape Cod.

We drove and took two ferries to Port Townsend, where we were met by our friend from Iceland, Megan Veley. We walked the historic town center, and she proudly showed us where she works at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center.

This is Megan at the Port Townsend Marine Science Center

Saying goodbye at the end of a great day
 Here's a small-world experience:

On our first day on Orcas Island, we went to a wine festival, where Brad's favorite was not the wine, but the cider. The hostess at the Finnriver Cidery, Crystie, invited us to her and her husband's farm and tasting room near Port Townsend.

When we told Megan we wouldn't mind going there, it turns out that Megan knows Crystie. So after tasting (and shipping) some incredible ciders, we relaxed after closing time and struck up some getting-to-know-you conversation, and it turns out that Crystie used to work at Karen's company.

Karen with Crystie at the Finnriver tasting room

We left the Northwest on a red-eye flight to Boston, where we were met early Saturday morning by old friend Tina Karidoyanes, who chauffeured us out to the cape and to the home of our host and hostess, Mike and Sally Lehman in Wellfleet, who wasted no time in sharing the quintessential Cape Cod beach experience with us: picnicking, strolling up and down Newcomb Beach, plus bocce ball and beer bottle horseshoes, where you fling a Frisbee to knock a beer bottle off its perch on a chest-high dowel.

The evening consisted of a return to the beach, this time with a bonfire permit, what seemed like a cord of wood and cameras to capture the rising of the full moon.

We'll let the photos fill in the blanks.


Tomorrow: sea kayaking in rough seas.

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