Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Kayak-a-Mania ... Let's Get Ready to Paaaaaaaaddddddllllllleeeeee!

This morning, it finally felt like vacation. That's because Karen woke at 5:30 a.m. and said it was time to hit the road.

Or hit the water, as the case may be.

We drove onto the 7:30 ferry bound for Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, a trip of less than an hour.

After getting coffee and tea in town, we drove along the coast to Snug Harbor, where we met our kayak guide, Jim, and set out for a 10-mile round-trip excursion along the west coast, facing Victoria Island, British Columbia.

Although 90 percent of our trip was within the Orca whale habitat, we saw nary a fin.

But we saw a half dozen, or so, majestic bald eagles. Since we took our dinky camera on the kayak, the photos are not of good enough quality to post here ... but take our word for it, we don't see birds like that in Newbury Park.

The weather was sunny and warm, and the waters were calm -- even glassy at times.

We hope the photos and videos below help capture the specialness of this place.

You can tell how warm the sun and how glassy the water was
Taking a snack break in a kelp bed

That's British Columbia in the distance.
(If you only knew how long it took to figure out how to post this panorama.)

Approaching Deadman's Cove

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