Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kayak-a-Mania II: Wind, Waves, and a Reward of Gorgeous Scenery

And here we thought we got our only kayak adventure of this vacation on San Juan Island.

Turns out, our friends Sally and Mike in Wellfleet had a little kayak adventure of their own in store for us.

We launched our kayaks in Blackfish Bay and pointed them toward the Great Island, on the other side of Wellfleet harbor, with a steady and strong wind from the southwest. The wind, combined with the incoming tide, made for some rough going.

Sally and Mike gave us plenty of opportunities to turn back or pick easier destinations, but we persevered. For two hours of non-stop paddling, we persevered.

And we were rewarded with some exquisite scenery. We were the only humans on land for miles and miles, so we strolled south along the shore toward Jeremy Point, seeing plovers, willits, vultures, mating  horseshoe crab, herring boils, and one porpoise skull. We crossed from the shore to the marshland, where the only sounds to be heard were the local birds, the waves and the breeze. It was a tranquil and peaceful sojourn.

The ride back may have been about 30 minutes quicker, but it was nonetheless challenging, as the wind remained stiff, and we now had to deal with the receding tide, which made it seem we were paddling uphill.

When we got home, we were treated first to two Advils for our kayak-weary arms, barbecued Alaskan salmon, watermelon and arugula salad and a view from the patio overlooking preserved pineland.

Here are some photos of the trip:

Our hosts, Mike and Sally, showing us how it's done
If you look closely, the far-off ribbon of brown sand was our destination

Have we ever told you that Karen is happy being around water?

We suggest double-clicking on this one to see the beauty of the Great Island

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