Monday, September 8, 2014

A Tuscan Wedding

We should pause here and explain that the whole reason for our trip to Italy (and then on to Croatia) is the wedding of our friends Leyla and Simone.

While they're both now Californians, Simone grew up in Sansepolcro, a wonderful and bustling Tuscan city that's not necessarily listed prominently in guide books, but has all the history, beauty and panache of the nearby hill towns that have greater name recognition, and therefore quadruple the number of tourists.

Simone's family has deep roots in the area and has run a linen factory in Alinghari and a store in Sansepolcro since the 1880s.

The wedding took place at the Duomo di Sansepolcro, just blocks from the family's store, and then everyone migrated to the outdoor reception held at the Relais Palazzo di Luglio in the hills above the city, with a nearly new moon shimmering above. It was a magical day and an enchanting evening.

A sidewalk cafe in Sansepolcro before the wedding. The best ravioli in the history of the world (honest).

Here's most of the Villa Gang before heading to the wedding.

Leyla and Simone at the Sansepolcro cathedral. Notice the altar piece ... we don't have those in the states.

We had to post this one ... look at the pound of rice about to hit Leyla.

We forgot what they call it. But in Italian, it translates to "the Mickey Mouse car."

Under the Tuscan sun (at the reception).

Under the Tuscan moon (still at the reception).

Much laughter at the reception. We lost count at the fourth dinner course. We think it was six or seven. And THEN came the dessert.

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