Monday, September 15, 2014


Today was a laid-back day in Rovinj, on the Istrian Peninsula.

We strolled through the old town, then rode bikes to Cuvi Beach, where we took another dip in the Adriatic.

The evening was topped by a visit to our favorite restaurant, Pastrick's, where our waiter from last night, Lucca, took care of us: one sea bream baked in rock salt and one sea bass baked in olive oil. Both melted in our mouths.

And the half-liter of malvasia for the equivalent of $6 was the topper.

The cathedral topping the old town.

A pretty typical street scene in the old town.

These are the wooden steps to the top of the cathedral's bell tower. If you look closely, you might see Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart in Vertigo (or maybe an M.C. Escher drawing). 

We kept wondering why the geek alarms kept going off wherever we went. Then we realized it was because Brad wore socks with his sandals. 

We swam here. Not as warm as in Korcula or Dubrovnik, but still pretty sweet.

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