Saturday, September 13, 2014

Leaving the Island

Today started before dawn so we could pack and catch the 6 a.m. boat for Split, on the mainland.

Split is huge -- it's the second-largest city in Croatia. So we explored its wonderful historic center, with the remains of Roman Emperor Diocletian's retirement palace.

While we were there, the emperor came out on his balcony and gave a speech to his subjects. Since it was in Latin, but we think he was telling the weather god to bring clear skies.

We're now on our way inland, where we're going to hike in the Plitvice National Park, and then we think we'll bounce back to the Adriatic Coast, this time in the north of the country.

(We've heard travelers' reports of flooding in Dubrovnik. Thankfully, we left in advance of that, and have successfully been dodging the raindrops ever since. Fingers are crossed for future success.)

This is Karen at the Korcula city wall, heading for the pre-dawn boat.

This is Split harbor. The ferries were large, in both size and number. 

These two soldiers ought to be on the national basketball team. Karen felt dwarfed by them. 

Just off the main square, these singers entertained the crowds.

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