Sunday, September 14, 2014

Put This One On Your Bucket List

All along our trip, we've heard that Croatia has had considerably more rain than usual this summer. But since we didn't experience the rain, we didn't know the impact it's had ... until today.

We hiked and hiked and hiked at Plitvice National Park, in the northern, interior part of the country.

Plitvice is a sensory overload brought on by Mother Nature. The park consists of 16 terraced, interconnected lakes where water flows down  from one to the other to the other.

Only right now, because of all the rain, the lakes are bursting at their banks, so the usual waterfalls in between the lakes are several times their usual size.

Also, the overflows have swamped many of the trails and boardwalks, forcing the closure of half the park. However, we learned that, as long as you don't go beyond the yellow warning tape, we could see all the highlights.

Sorry for the singular subject of the phollowing fotos, but Plitvice truly deserves the attention.

(Note to readers: You can click on any photo to blow it up.)


Here's the funny one from the day ... Karen was an innocent photo bomber.

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