Monday, September 8, 2014

We're in Dubrovnik

After our whirlwind trip to Bari, our overnight ferry ride to Dubrovnik was a piece of cake.

We finished off our Italian cheese, bread and salami, and then settled in for the night in our cramped bunk "beds."

In the morning, we joined the locals on deck as we watched the sun rise over the Dalmatian coast.

Just as we got off the boat, Dubrovnik greeted us with a thunderous rain shower with overhead lightening whose ferocity surprised even the locals. We took a city bus up the hill and soon settled into our new apartment overlooking the Adriatic and the old walled city.

We'll let the photos tell the story ... only to add that there's little better than swimming in calm, 27-degree (Celcius) waters.

Pulling away from Bari, on the way to Dubrovnik. 

Our cramped cabin on the ferry ... only enough room for a wash basin.

Sunrise over the Croatian coast.

Coming in to Dubrovnik.

This is the view from our patio in the Victorja neighborhood.

This is where we swam. The warmest open water we've ever experienced.

A typical street scene in Old Town. 

On the stroll back to our apartment. 

From our patio.

Enjoying one of our brunellos from our visit in Montalcino.

Same shot as before, only later.

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