Friday, September 12, 2014

Watching Boats Bob (As Opposed to Watching Boats, Bob)

Karen this afternoon said she wanted to relax and watch boats bob.

To which Brad replied, "I'm not Bob." Which explains today's headline for grammar hounds.

Bah-dah-boom. Ting.

Korcula is a long, narrow island north of Dubrovnik. And it's the location of our most laid-back day of vacation yet.

It's another walled and cobblestoned medieval city that's been meticulously restored. Our studio apartment is on a narrow alley near the main plaza of the old city, well within earshot of the half-hourly bings and  bongs of the cathedral bells.

After coffee, tea, mueslix and yogurt on our picnic table in our alley, we were off for a sun, sea, wine and bobbing boats adventure.

Our three-cylinder, one-windshield-wiper rental car did the job just fine. We enjoyed tastings at Bire and Torreta wineries (both delicious), swam in the 80-degree (Fahrenheit) water of what's billed as the island's most beautiful bay, and watched the boats bob in the harbor of Vela Luka.

The starting gun goes off early on Saturday ... we have to catch the 6 a.m. boat to Split on the mainland. More to come.

Daybreak on Korcula.

Breakfast on our alley. 

Said to be the most beautiful bay on the island. We agree. (We shared it with  only about 10 others.)

The water's 80 degrees F. 

Oh boy! More red-tiled roofs. 

During a stroll along the waterfront. 

There's a chance that high winds will cancel our 6 a.m. boat to the mainland tomorrow. Can you imagine being forced to endure another day here?

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